Yes! Despite the lack of snow this winter we we’re still able to make the Mt. Baker Splitboard Festival happen. The lack of snow more so exists at the lower elevations of our mountains but up higher the snowpack is hanging in there. One of the concepts of a splitboard anyway is to get up higher, so there was no reason not to hold the event!

Bryce making his way down a fun little ramp. Photo: Paul Stanley
On day 1, we had enough time beforehand to go for a quick ride in some interesting and somewhat dangerous conditions. Snowfall from earlier in the week had become highly saturated from warm temperatures and wet loose slides we’re giving way naturally on several slopes around us. We carefully chose what terrain we we’re going to ride and had a fun safe ride down. The snow was a little grabby, but soft and playful.
Later that evening we spent some time getting fellow splitboarders and new comers set up to try out the Prime system for their first time the following day. Luckily for them and everybody else that made it out for Splitfest, it was forecasted to snow a little bit overnight up higher. Everybody geared up and headed to bed hoping for some potential pow turns the next morning.

Tyler layin’ one down in the sun. Photo: Paul Stanley

Mike showing a newcomer how the Primes work and giving a few tips on splitboarding before going out for his first time. Photo: Paul Stanley
Sure enough, day 2 we we’re greeted to 6 inches of new snow where we toured. We guided a fellow newcomer uphill, showed him how the Prime System works, and helped him get out for his first time. He was stoked! We then split up into a couple groups and each rode some different terrain. By the day’s end, it sounded like the general consensus was that the snow was great! Everybody seemed pleasantly surprised as expectations coming into Splitfest were low with the way this winter has been going.

Story of our winter. Photo: Paul Stanley

Big crew rollin’ out for some pow on day 2! Photo: Chad Perrin

Our big group divided into two groups where some of us rode terrain on one side of the lake and the rest rode on the other side. Talk about a ‘splitfest’. Photo: Chad Perrin
Afterward, everyone made their way back to Chair 9 in Glacier, WA to have a good time, talk snowboarding, and test their luck at winning some sweet product at the benefit raffle for the Northwest Avalanche Center. From the sounds of it, together us splitboarders raised $7300 for NWAC! Not bad considering less people showed up this year than years past, entirely due to the rough winter season. But to those of you who didn’t show up, you missed out! There’s always next year and we hope to see you there.